Sunday, April 25, 2010

First of all, sorry for not posting anything up for a while. The internet connection here sucks now and I get frustrated when I can't get proper connection.

My new laptop finally arrived. I took nearly 3 weeks to get it but I finally got it. It took them a while til I actually forgot that I bought a new laptop. So it was kinda a nice surprise for me when Ed came home with it and I asked what's that? Or did I ask "Is that your new laptop?" I think it's the former.

Anyways, last night Ed took my to the Kelly Clarkson concert. I don't wanna sound me, oh heck I always sound mean... well, Kelly was on the chunky side. Although I know that we shouldn't be judging an entertainer just because they're a bit on the plus size but Ed and I just had to made fat jokes. Seriously, we had to!

Apart from the weight issues, Kelly was awesome. She made it look easy to sing high notes while prancing around the stage. There was no costume change. Just a black dress with leggings that made her look even fatter. But she performed non-stop for more than an hour and that is commendable.

I had a great time. I kinda have a mild sore throat on the account of singing (screaming more likely) along to her songs the whole night. In addition to her songs she also did some cover versions including Kings of Leon's Use Somebody, Kylie's Can't Get You Outta My Head and Alanis Morisette's That I Would Be Good.


Our garden now looks like a desert. After 4 months of living here we finally got some people to dig up all the earth and remove them so that we can plant proper grass in the next three weeks.

The lady fingers are bearing fruit and the funny thing is that I have no idea what to do with them apart from blanching them in hot water and eat them with sambal belacan.

The watermelons started flowering already. Soon I hope, we'll get to see some fruit.

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