Sunday, April 25, 2010

First of all, sorry for not posting anything up for a while. The internet connection here sucks now and I get frustrated when I can't get proper connection.

My new laptop finally arrived. I took nearly 3 weeks to get it but I finally got it. It took them a while til I actually forgot that I bought a new laptop. So it was kinda a nice surprise for me when Ed came home with it and I asked what's that? Or did I ask "Is that your new laptop?" I think it's the former.

Anyways, last night Ed took my to the Kelly Clarkson concert. I don't wanna sound me, oh heck I always sound mean... well, Kelly was on the chunky side. Although I know that we shouldn't be judging an entertainer just because they're a bit on the plus size but Ed and I just had to made fat jokes. Seriously, we had to!

Apart from the weight issues, Kelly was awesome. She made it look easy to sing high notes while prancing around the stage. There was no costume change. Just a black dress with leggings that made her look even fatter. But she performed non-stop for more than an hour and that is commendable.

I had a great time. I kinda have a mild sore throat on the account of singing (screaming more likely) along to her songs the whole night. In addition to her songs she also did some cover versions including Kings of Leon's Use Somebody, Kylie's Can't Get You Outta My Head and Alanis Morisette's That I Would Be Good.


Our garden now looks like a desert. After 4 months of living here we finally got some people to dig up all the earth and remove them so that we can plant proper grass in the next three weeks.

The lady fingers are bearing fruit and the funny thing is that I have no idea what to do with them apart from blanching them in hot water and eat them with sambal belacan.

The watermelons started flowering already. Soon I hope, we'll get to see some fruit.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bangkung forever?

I think for 3 years now I have been avoiding weddings. Well this year is another year filled with weddings. I guess it's time for people around my age gets hitched, have the kids; the whole nine yards kinda thing. I have a selective process when it comes to weddings. Here's how I do it.

Wedding card arrives --> Whose is it? --> Relatives or friends? --> If yes to relatives, it's either I just chuck it in a bin or just leave it where I found it. Weddings sucks enough already and having my family around (either my mom or dad's side) doesn't help. Seriously. I am glad my cousins are all getting married and stuff but wedding + family = a double whammy on my part and the only thing that makes it easier is having someone to go with. But who the heck wants to accompany another person to a wedding. Seriously, I won't either. Having to sit at a table where you don't know anyone makes it even worse. Sorry, wrong number.

If it is a friend --> Is that person particularly close to me? --> Yes --> Is it a Malay wedding? The I got to borrow some clothes. (Hanie your kebaya is still with me in one piece. Keep forgetting to send it back to her). If it's not then it makes it easier. Atleast at Chinese weddings there's always beer or whiskey. That ought to drown out the wedding merriment in my head and by the time the bride and groom walks by, I am just smiling or dazing into oblivion or some made up land.

The thing is, I usually never get to the wedding. I am not particularly close to many people so 80% out of the invites usually just lay there forgotten or in the trash. Seeing wedding invites are enough to piss me off on some days. The 20%? --> I'll wonder who will be there and if there's a person I don't want to meet, I'd skip the wedding as well. I'll take my friend out for dinner to compensate after that. If there's nothing then I'll ask Ed if he wants to go. If he's busy, I'd skip the wedding and again take my friends out for dinner after that. I seriously hate going to weddings alone. Feels like I'm just gonna jump off a cliff after the ceremony is over or something.

So yeah, I usually attend 10% of the total wedding invites I get in a year. Next time around, don't waste wedding invites on me. Just text me the date, venue and time. It's easier and cheaper. If not, just invite me on FB.

Most of the time, while the wedding takes place, I'll be waiting for Lyn at Jalan Bangkung follwed by drive aimlessly while we figure out what to do. It usually consists of "Stop near Nirwana for a while, need to thread my eyebrows" or "let stop for cakes/ice cream/fro-yo/sweets!". Yesterday during a very early dinner at Chilis she asked, "Are we gonna be 40 and still be meeting up at Bangkung driving our cars that are about to fall apart?"

Honestly, being a realist, I wanted to say yes. I just don't think people like us are meant to be the ones off getting married, starting families etc. I mean, we're dysfunctional most of the time and dysfunctional people do not make the correct marrying material for anyone. Look at the Simpsons. Would you want to live next door to people like them?

But I said, no. I'm not gonna rain on anything and if people like me are caught saying things like that they'd say, you need to see the therapist. Well Lyn won't say it but most people would. They would ask me why am I so negative about everything then say I need to get examined again. It's a crime for depressed people to think negatively because people expect you to be normal and think of butterflies and unicorns or whatever normal people think of. Rainbows?

Anyways, Lyn and I did the meet up at Bangkung thing again and spent the day in Bangsar yesterday and most of what we did was people watching. That's what happens when two unmotivated people spend their afternoons I guess.

From our observations we also concluded that there are a few types of ladies with LV Bags. 1. I took it from my mom's closet category = Rich kids. 2.The Datins, the ones with the huge ass hair; sometimes dyed in a bloody fierce colour or some stupid ass blonde shade. You're Asian/Melayu or whatever, there's a reason why you weren't born blonde, coz it don't look nice. Sheeshh....
3. Then there's the young 20s girl who somehow manages to drive a nice convertible BMW, huge ass sunglasses, nice hair, designer clothes. I bet somewhere out there there's an old geezer paying for the car, hair, clothes and of course handbag.

Let's make a comparison between type 2 and 3. Type 3 probably is sleeping with type 2's man. So one man is paying for both bags (bags here is used as a metaphor, go figure it out yourselves). Well you'd think at 2 as a poor sad lady. But hey look, she still have the 'bag' and all. When that old geezer die she's still getting his money. The kids are still hers (if she has any).
For 3, you think she's slutty and easy? She's smart, cunning and at the end of the day, she's got her 'bag' too. Doesn't matter how she got the 'bag' but she has it doesn't she and I bet as hell she's happy for that as well.

So Imma gonna make it a point not to scoff at type 2 or 3 girls because at the end of the day, they're the smarter ones. Why? Because while I sat and ate my Monterey Chicken, I'm the only one without the 'bag'.

*But I'm still gonna scoff at type 1 girls.