I really hate when people are late and they don't even bother telling you. To top that off, when you call them they say that they're five minutes away and only 30 mins later they arrive. I'd rather that you just tell me you're gonna be late rather lie to make me feel better because I absolutely hate, hate, hate waiting. So please, just be honest because at the end of the day, you're still gonna be late and still gonna annoy me. Lying about it just makes it worst. Same goes, if you're waiting for something and get delayed just tell la. It only takes about half a minute to text someone and it's only costs 15 cents (max). Isn't it easier that way? Am I asking for too much?
Another thing I don't get is late night calls. Do you really have to call at 1am to ask someone about your car? Really? Mati ke kalau tunggu esok pagi? Is it so hard to have some courtesy? You may love your car but in real life, its a CAR! It can wait, it's not like its in a coma or something.
Late night calls should be reserved to urgent matters and emergencies only. When I say emergency it means:
A. You are in the hospital; but not because of a fever or something lame.
B. You are stuck by the roadside because your car died. Yes, that to me is an emergency especially after midnight. But if you have AAM, call them la. Don't call other people.
C. Somebody just mugged or robbed you and the only number you can remember is mine.
Please, think of others as well and not only the person that you call. If you know the person lives with someone else, you'd know that the ringing from your call would most likely wake other people up. All I want it a good night sleep. That's all.
Again, I am not asking for too much but a little respect goes a long way. If you know you're gonna run late, let the other person know. Don't tell them you just left whatever place you were at when you're still there. Don't tell them you're 5 mins away when you're gonna take more time than that and late night calls should be reserved for emergencies only.